Danny and Jackie Garcia of Global Walk were honored to have several BAA members for events in August 2021.
August 5, 2021. Melbourne, FL, GI Tax. Barry Zimmerman (a percussionist with for the Imperial Symphony Orchestra in Lakeland from 1967 until his retirement in 2016 and member of the Florida Orchestra of Tampa/ St. Petersburg from 1972 until 2012) accepted the invitation for a “Meet the Author event”. Barry had the opportunity to tell the group about BAA, play taps for a flag folding ceremony, then receive the US flag as a gift.
August 11, 2021. Las Vegas, NV, Palm Northwest Mortuary and Cemetery. BAA State Coordinator, Pat Bocker (a veteran who has served in four branches of the uniformed services) played live taps the Celebration of Life for Dominga R. Charsagua, a US Army wife and mother of US Army and US Air Force veterans. Pat had the opportunity to attend all parts of the day, and gracefully shared a meal with the family. As a token of appreciation, Danny and Jackie Garcia presented Pat a US Marine Corps flag. See this Facebook post.
August 16, 2021. Cocoa, FL, Brevard Humane Society. Rodney Sapyta (family of war veterans) accepted the invitation to walk with Danny and Jackie Garcia and play taps and honor their Belgian Shepherd Shalom (passed on May12, 2021). The ceremony was held at the serene chapel at the @brevardhumanesociety, with the compassionate and devoted staff. The Garcias spread his ashes with other dogs in Ella’s Park. With Executive Director, Teresa Clifton (who carried Shalom, encouraged us with her soothing words, stayed with us through the very end). Live Taps courtesy of @buglesacrossamerica, Mr. Rodney Sapyta, trumpeter, was exceptionally moving. See photo gallery. ❣
#dannygarciawalkingman #honorwalk2021 #globalwalk2021 #globalwalkinc #brevardhumanesociety #buglesacrossamerica #VeteranFamilies
August 17, 2021. Titusville, FL, Prison Book Project. Rodney Sapyta stayed another day in Central Florida to support Global Walk. He rode in a vintage US Army jeep, driven by MVPA Space Coast Coordination, Chief Warrant Officer (CW04) Alvin Hughes (Navy, retired). Rodney not only played taps, but played a familiar and upbeat horse racing tune as during the walk along US-1. The walk was for USAF MSgt Ray Hall (retired) and his wife Joyce Ann Hall who lead #PrisonBookProject, literally receiving and shipping TONS of bibles and books to inmates in 2,467 prisons. They celebrated 27 years in ministry, and the group walked in their honor and presented Ray the US Flag. Busy street, but lots of horns honking to show respect for the flag!
Rodney’s playing of Taps added such dignity to our flag folding ceremony. Extra special and unexpected guest? The Mayor of Titusville, Dan Diesel. #titusvillemayor #titusvilleflorida #touchinglivesbehindbars #dannygarciawalkingman #dannygarciawalks #honorwalk2021 #globalwalkinc #globalwalk2021 #veteranfamilies #firstfloridachapterofmvpa #buglesacrossamerica
Lastly, Danny and Jackie of Global Walk invite you to listen to his podcast:
“God, what can I do?” Pray, do not fear. Don’t quit on your county.
The Walking Man Podcast

#dannygarciawalkingman #dannygarciatalks #dannygarciawalks #honorwalk2021 #globalwalkinc #globalwalk2021 #veteranfamilies #usmcvietnamvets #marinesdontcry #firstfloridachapterofmvpa #buglesacrossamerica #prisonbookproject #gitax #spacecoastpodcast #iconicpropertyadvisors
Danny (Sgt, USMC, Vietnam Vet) and Jackie Garcia (Lt Col, USAF, retired)